[Special feature] Portable power supply with easy battery replacement (removable battery box)
With the promotion of Connected Industries, various industries, companies, people, machines, and data are being connected to create new added value and products and services through AI and IoT.
In this context, we have received many inquiries, problems, or opinions regarding batteries to be installed in or connected to our customers' development products.
In this issue, we will focus on the "problems" of our customers and introduce a portable power supply that has solved those problems.
Many of the inquiries we receive are related to external power supplies in use at work sites.
We consider it our responsibility to identify the "problems" and "issues" that are troubling you, to propose solutions, and to incorporate the answers into our products.
[Means of Improvement]
・As a developer and manufacturer of special lithium-ion batteries,
we have accumulated a vast amount of battery pack development data and experience over the years.
・Thorough evaluation and verification.
We inspect (assort) not only our own batteries but also externally procured batteries to our own standard quality before adopting them.
・We possess software development technology to control each and every battery employed.
・We draw on the "wisdom" of our organizational culture, including our development staff, and bring it together.
Related Articles
Media Article on our development, "An Exterior Body for Lithium-ion Secondary Batteries" was published in the Nikkei (electronic edition) on October 25th and the Nikkei morning edition on October 26th (page 14).
(Reprinted with permission from Nikkei. Unauthorized reproduction/copying are prohibited © Nikkei) -